Monday, October 13, 2008

The Worst Film of All Time?

In my search of public domain films that I can watch online for free rather than shelling out the money to rent or buy, I came across this magnificent title which I just had to watch: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. The film is billed as a horror film, though I am not sure if that is because it's intended to be scary of if the film is just so bad it's horrible. I came to the conclusion quite early that this film is public domain because no one wanted to claim ownership of what is a definite contender for the title of "Worst Film of All Time". If you are brave enough to subject yourself to this travesty of film making or just want a good laugh, you can watch it here.

Made in 1964, the film has a cheesy set, cheesy lines, cheesy music, cheesy costumes, cheesy Martians, and a cheesy premise. Basically, Martians kidnap Santa so he can give presents to Martian children for Christmas. I really don't feel that I need to explain beyond that, mainly because I don't think you'd believe me if I told you the rest. The film does an early critique of "Earth Television", which is apparently ruining the children of Mars who watch it. Anyone can find it obvious as to why the film was not an Academy-Award nominee when it came out in the mid-Sixties, but the film gained relative popularity after being made fun of on Mystery Science Theater 3000, which should say something about its quality.

Basically, this film is in the "so bad it's almost good" category and deserves the title of horror movie because it is just that filled with horror. So, if you love cheesy B-movies, bad Sixties Alien flicks, movies with Santa Claus, or any film that's so bad its scary, I highly recommend Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. The title, if nothing else, should give you a good laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Man, that was a funny article.
    good job!

